Woodcuts by Francisco Toledo

Intense, scary, personal, sensual, funny, obscene, off-putting, the work of Francisco Toledo conjures all of those, and often at the same time, as the observer goes from one moment to the next, back and forth, again and again experiencing them. My attraction was instantaneous when I took a book of Toledo’s work off a shelf in a friend’s apartment in Paris in the late 1980’s and looked at them. I like these woodcuts a lot; they are from a later book. Some are very light and some are very dark. But there they are.

Burro conejo, 1970, Xilografia, coloreado a mano, z8 x 65 cm

Burro rabbit

Dos largatos, 1999, Xilografia, color, 25 x 20 cm

Two lizards

El dueno del caballo, 1974, Camafeo, xilografia, aguafuerte, agautinta y ruleta, 37 x 47.5 cm

The dream of a horse

El zapato 111, 1969, Xilografia, 71 x 51 cm

The shoe, III

Grazas, 1983, Aguafuerte, xilografia, punta seca, 37 x 33 cm


La muchacha y el leon, 83, Xilografia y aguafuerte, color, 30 x 25.5 cm

The girl and the lion

Los peces, 1969, Xilografia, prueba de artista, 60 x 73 cm


Mujer descabezada, 1970, Xilografia, coloreada a mano, 64 x 38

Beheaded Woman

Pelea de grillos. 1990, xilografia, color, 32.6 x 40 cm

Fight of the crickets

Cabesas de elefante, 1983, Xilografia, color, 37 x 36.8 cm

Heads of an elephant

Chancha con cadena, 1983, Xilografia, 26.5 x 13.5 cm

Sow with chain

Conejo con cucharones, 1983, Punta seca, xilografia y ruleta, 20 x 31.5 cm

Rabbit with spoons

La hermana de Juárez cose ajeno, 1984, Xilografia, aguafuerte, aguatinta, fotograbado, y color, 34.8 x 27.3 cm

Juárez’s sister sews in the distance

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