How do you teach someone something they don’t
Know? The first thing that comes to mind is by
Example. Look a student in the eye
Even if she’s blind; otherwise she won’t
Understand you. The stone deaf will hear love
When they are touched by it as innocent
As any love is spoken on an eardrum’s skin.
To show someone the meaning of above
You have to say to him somehow, “Look up,”
And he must want to lift his eyes or else
The vain struggle will be against himself.
What seems to some a stone, some crack a nut
To eat the waiting kernel that’s inside
Or plant it to make plenty more besides.

When I was 50, I quit my job, my novel wasn’t selling well, and I began to teach to pay the bills. As much as you teach, you are taught. I teach ESL. My students come from all over the world. I love to travel. Often while I teach I’m traveling too. All through my life I thought I’d teach. And here I am. I do.


  1. FW

    Here’s yr “work” all the while….
    been); underthetable
    tone wi’ht he new

    world, the new economy
    of words for one thing
    and other things for another. Thanks!

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