… When I was in my early twenties, I took a tent and camped out for a month along Walnut Run, a swift waterfall-filled stream, that splashes down the South Mountain where I grew up in Pennsylvania. I wanted to … Continue reading

… When I was in my early twenties, I took a tent and camped out for a month along Walnut Run, a swift waterfall-filled stream, that splashes down the South Mountain where I grew up in Pennsylvania. I wanted to … Continue reading
… I began to perform at the Poetry Project’s New Year’s Day benefit with my nephew Daniel in 2010. Our first performance wasn’t recorded, but in 2011 my partner Akram began to record us. The following are those five performances. … Continue reading
….. I lived at home as a young man full of fears that paralyze I was a believer in truth and the truth was a lie then I slept with Sweet Mary and she made me realize there are more … Continue reading
….. I lived at home as a young man full of fears that paralyze I was a believer in truth and the truth was a lie then I slept with Sweet Mary and she made me realize there are more … Continue reading
… I wrote the lyrics for the following songs mostly in my 20s. I was doing poetry performances in Philly in the late 70s and began singing with a band, The Sea of Hands, who accompanied me, before doing songs … Continue reading
… Jingle Bells was written as a Thanksgiving song by James Lord Pierpont in the autumn of 1850 in a tavern in Medford, Massachusetts, a town popular for its sleigh races. Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh … Continue reading
In 1970 I was living in East Lansing, Michigan where some friends were attending MSU. I started to read my poetry at the Aardvark Coffee House. Even in the beginning I was more of a performer than a reader. I’d … Continue reading
… I believe the flowers in the photos above (I took the photos this morning in Tompkins Square on my way to class) are wild roses. They look very similar to what we called wild roses in the South Mountain … Continue reading
… July 9th I’m sitting in my hotel room in Wuhan; it’s about six-thirty in the morning. I got up at four, made some coffee and played guitar on the terrace, overlooking the campus and part of East Lake. I … Continue reading
… I discovered my favorite American artist, Charles Burchfield, at the age of 16 while I was reading a Time Magazine in the library at Cornwall High where I used to have to wait for the bus to take me … Continue reading