What follows is a lesson plan introducing High Beginner ESL students to the Past Tense, the simple past and the past progressive. The activities are for both group and individual work. And the answers are given for the exercises. … Continue reading

What follows is a lesson plan introducing High Beginner ESL students to the Past Tense, the simple past and the past progressive. The activities are for both group and individual work. And the answers are given for the exercises. … Continue reading
… For the teacher: Once you read over the lesson below, I am including a PDF with twenty sentences, pronunciation exercises (fill in the blanks and pronounce the -ed ending) for you to download. The teacher can review the sentences … Continue reading
… In English we deal with the future by using nine helping verbs called modals: will, shall, can, could, would, should, may, might, and must. Only will will ever happen; all the other modals are possibilities, the wouldas, couldas, and … Continue reading
What follows is a lesson plan introducing High Beginner ESL students to the Present Tense, the simple present and the present progressive. The activities are for both group and individual work. And the answers are given for the exercises. There … Continue reading
… One of the tasks for an English teacher is to get students writing. I have found that putting students into groups to work on one paragraph together prepares them for writing on their own. Here are two lesson plans … Continue reading
… The first four lessons of the Rabbit and the Turtle get students creating language, writing sentences with that language, discovering parts of speech from their sentences, and then writing a story with the vocabulary the whole class has generated. … Continue reading
…… To the teacher: This is a very good activity for a new class on the first day, an Icebreaker. In groups of seven, students will get to know each other as they talk and select roles. Who will be … Continue reading
… Objective: In groups of three, students will write a story. First, by looking at three sequential pictures, they will name the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs that they see. Then, they will write the words they’ve discovered on separate … Continue reading
… In English we deal with the future by using nine helping verbs called the modals: will, shall, can, could, would, should, may, might and must. Only will will ever happen; all the others are possibilities, the wouldas, couldas, and … Continue reading
… Objective: This lesson is for beginner ESL students to understand how English works. Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are discussed by the teacher with enough information for the learners to recognize them in the sentences. The main objective … Continue reading
… Daydream by Roberta Allen Introduction: This activity is for students with high beginner to low intermediate skills; they are beginning to know enough English to work with others reading, speaking and writing it. Communication has begun. The first activities … Continue reading
… To the teacher: I took the idea for this lesson from an ESL workbook that I used many years ago. Nothing remains of the book, but for this picture, which I now use as a prompt to get students … Continue reading