These sonnets were written during a trip I took from the Yorkshire Dales to Edinburgh with my friend Pat Maples in June of 2009. These sonnets are for Pat Maples. Enjoy. 181 As the Labradors black as night splash … Continue reading

These sonnets were written during a trip I took from the Yorkshire Dales to Edinburgh with my friend Pat Maples in June of 2009. These sonnets are for Pat Maples. Enjoy. 181 As the Labradors black as night splash … Continue reading
… Happy children hunted for eggs and wentbursting through the bushes. I hurriedlymade love before that unexpectedlystanding up expecting any momentstudents who didn’t come. Morning’s over.The afternoon has found a warm bright sun.Today was many people, now they’re none.It is … Continue reading
… I want to write something about you, butI’m not sure what—You are not with me nowso you are in my thoughts—We are in lovethe two that become one. You ask me howI know. Today was cold. I didn’t expectthe … Continue reading
… To be understood words are objectiveyet we understand them subjectively.When Willa Cather writes, “The long main streetbegan at the church, the town seemed to flowfrom it like a stream from a spring,” the proseforms naturally from the simile.Do you … Continue reading
… The hunter and the deer are in the woods.Right now no gunshots explode the quiet.Only the wind’s unafraid to riotin a few leaves, shaking the branches goodthe living skeletons of wintertime.I hear some crows as far away as … Continue reading
…. Atlantic City, facade to the god Money on the edge of America where the sea and the air share a sky there before Christopher Columbus came, raped and pillaged the place. Lights, loud music and free drinks in all … Continue reading
228 A homeless woman with her legs spread on a park bench looks ready to shit. Good God she is pulling her pants down with paper towels about to do it. Vacationing anarchists are camped out by the water fountain. … Continue reading
92… To be understood words are objective yet we understand them subjectively. When Willa Cather writes, “The long main street began at the church, the town seemed to flow from it like a stream from a spring,” the prose forms … Continue reading
The poet and professor, Jamey Jones, asked me last summer if I would submit some poetry for publication in the magazine, Hurricane Review. It is always a task to decide on something, but finally I did, and Jamey kindly … Continue reading
Among my sonnets are eight that are about milkweed; I include them below for you to read whenever you have the time. Hope you enjoy. 86 As I put my nose in milkweed blossoms their resemblance to lilacs remindingme … Continue reading
… My mother pulled the black snake from the bush. Long snake gone from fleeing to being held twined around her arm and opened its mouth but mother only laughed and let it twist. Her friends who had come to … Continue reading
… On a sad day of losses big and small someone left a flowerpot in the hall that wasn’t money or plenty of time but if I wanted it the thing was mine alive for sure because hint of a … Continue reading