Category Archives: American Poets

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Scott Hightowers reads from Imperative to Spare

… For a long time I wanted to record Scott Hightower reading from his newest book, Imperative to Spare. I’d heard Scott read elegies written for his partner of forty years, Dr. José Fernandez, who collapsed and died in his … Continue reading

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Molly Peacock reads from A Friend Sails in on a Poem

… It was a treat making it over to Poets House to hear Molly Peacock read from A Friend Sails in on a Poem, a collection of essays and poems about her friendship with fellow poet Phillis Levin. For anyone … Continue reading

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Richard Loranger reads from Mammal

I agree with the poet Yuko Otomo when she writes that the poems in Richard Loranger’s new book, Mammal, are “written in direct & humble language & with the most personal & natural breath.” Nothing truer has ever been said. … Continue reading

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Terence Degnan & Denver Butson read from Nobody Birds the Sky

… When Terence Degnan’s father died, he wrote to his friend Denver Buston, and Denver Buston wrote back, what became a correspondence, poem letters, epistles about shared grief, the death of a brother, the death of a father, a work … Continue reading

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Eileen Myles reads from a “Working Life”

  April 17 at 7:30 PM at the Bell House in Brooklyn, Eileen Myles read from their new book of poems, a “Working Life.”  The place was packed. Eileen read poems that were narrative, often amusing and sometimes surprising too in … Continue reading