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Primavera Amarilla por Juan Ramón Jiménez

Abril venía, lleno
todo de flores amarillas:
amarillo el arroyo,
amarillo el vallado, la colina,
el cementerio de los niños,
el huerto aquel, donde el amor vivía.

El sol ungía de amarillo el mundo,
con sus luces caídas;
¡ay, por los lirios áureos,
el agua de oro, tibia;
las amarillas mariposas
sobre las rosas amarillas!

Guirnaldas amarillas escalaban
los árboles; ¡el día
era una gracia perfumada de oro,
en un dorado despertar de vida!
Entre los huesos de los muertos
abría Dios sus manos amarillas.



April came, completely
full of yellow flowers:
yellow the brook
yellow the fence, the hill
the cemetery of children
the garden where love used to live.

The sun anointed the world
with gold in its fallen light
Ah! there by the golden lilies
the golden water, warm
the yellow butterflies
over yellow roses.

Yellow garlands were climbing
the trees; the day
was full of perfumed grace
in a golden waking of life.
Among the bones of the dead
God opened his yellow hands.

              Juan Ramón Jiménez


  1. This reminds me of when I was in Rome, and on awakening in the morning, the surrounding world looked golden. How different from where I live, which is a shade of grey.

  2. Marieta Maglas

    This sun giving a specific shade of yellow to both life and death has an amazing power to make even God be visible ~ an extraordinary poetic picture.

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