Here are twenty-two drawings by Arup Datta, an artist friend of mine whose medium is his phone’s screen and a single finger tip for applying a limited choice of colors. Arup posted these on Facebook during the month of June, and I’ve selected from his prolific output mostly drawings of landscapes and dreams because they are especially sumptuous. Well, everything Arup Datta does is sumptuous. Enjoy.
the end flame
the wild, wild
the clouds the fakir with his ektara
still life
study: monk
the dream
the hands
the dream
the dream
the dream
Landscape: Jampui Hills
the hills and the clouds
June 22
the river
the boats
the storm
the tong
the mangoes
the injury
the lovers
Arup Datta
beautiful work
that’s what poet Don Yorty has compiled ! All these drawings are made by way of using only index finger tip on the screen of android phone and colours were limited in the drawing app ! i am so grateful to Don Yorty !