Life, we all come to realize, even if we never read Heraclitus, is in constant motion, which is one reason why I walked over to 2 Horatio Street last Monday to record Elaine Sexton reading from Drive, her new book of poems about to be published by Grid Books in Boston; but it was not the only reason; my emotions and my will also had me walking because I love the painting on the cover, and it is a very comfortable book to hold and open as well.
When the novelist Jonathan Santlofer says, “Great poets teach us to see in words, moments, actions, emotions, and Elaine Sexton does this so vividly and visually that the reader, this reader, is there, with her on her Drive. Continually inventive, often startling, the poems in this beautiful collection are a gift for writers, artists and anyone,” I could not have said it any better myself.
You can hear Elaine Sexton read from Drive in the Vimeo below. Enjoy.
In Drive, the poems do move, and we move and are moved too. I’ve selected six of them and scanned them below including the first and last poems in the book, which are untitled.
Drive is published by Grid Books. You can check it out here:
To read more about and by Elaine Sexton, you can check her out here:

lovely, thank you, Don