I got to know Donna Fleischer through her online website, word pond, where she shares the work of other poets, artists, and musicians, both dead and alive, one big happy family. Because word pond has been a vital supporter of others for so long now, I want to include its link below. Check it out.
Donna Fleischer’s chapbook, Twinkle, Twinkle, a haiku selection, was published by Longhouse Publishers in 2010. A new and collected book of poems with the working title, Our Most Our Many, will be published by Useful Knowledge Press within the year.
Of her work, the poet Trace Peterson recently said:
“Donna gives off vibrant stunningly queer signals in her work. There is something about the way she combines what would otherwise be clear narrative syntax with a gorgeous linguistic wildness that subverts and almost bursts the confines of that syntax. It’s not just lyricism, it’s heteroglossic in all the best ways, an act of channeling and an act of love…”
In late March, for the Edge Reading Series, which is curated by Melissa Buckheit, Donna read some haikus and longer work at the Fable, a tea house. You will hear it all on the Vimeo below. Enjoy.
Here are some poems by Donna Fleischer in EOAGH
To know more about Donna Fleischer, you can check her out here:
Explore and enjoy. word pond: