When I heard that Joan Larkin had a new book of poems coming out, I asked her if she would come over to my place so I could record her reading from it. Although she lives in New Jersey, … Continue reading

When I heard that Joan Larkin had a new book of poems coming out, I asked her if she would come over to my place so I could record her reading from it. Although she lives in New Jersey, … Continue reading
Larry Fagin, John Godfrey, and Ken Angel Davis in an eternal momentary triumphant triumvirate of art and poetry. Enjoy. .. … John Godfrey at KGB 11/21/16 … …
When I read Steve Turtell’s poems, I enjoyed them so much I asked Steve to come over so I could record him reading some. He brought Heroes and Householders and read from that book. Steve is a poet and … Continue reading
…. Some poets spend time with the language and know its foundations, its rhythms and its gifts of color and sense, and in the act of writing a poem, like a stone mason who works each stone, put words where … Continue reading
Ken Angel Davis likes to make art out of a poet’s poem. He did this with Anne Waldman, a short poem that you will hear with delight below. Ken did it and it happened. Enjoy. … Continue reading
… I read Tess Taylor’s Work & Days on a subway ride from Manhattan to Brooklyn. There was a delay, but I wasn’t in a hurry, and actually welcomed the time to finish the book because the quality and rhythm … Continue reading
… For a long time I wanted to record Scott Hightower reading from his newest book, Imperative to Spare. I’d heard Scott read elegies written for his partner of forty years, Dr. José Fernandez, who collapsed and died in his … Continue reading
… It was a treat making it over to Poets House to hear Molly Peacock read from A Friend Sails in on a Poem, a collection of essays and poems about her friendship with fellow poet Phillis Levin. For anyone … Continue reading
… The titles of the poems in Willa Carroll’s new book, Demolition Suite, begin with the word score. Score is an interesting word. We score when we are playing a game and make some points and that is good: we’ll … Continue reading
… Memory comes in fragments. I think of shards of pottery dug up scattered on an ancient floor. Pantoums are an excellent way to evoke memory. Out of the simple repetition of putting it back together, a jar and a … Continue reading
I agree with the poet Yuko Otomo when she writes that the poems in Richard Loranger’s new book, Mammal, are “written in direct & humble language & with the most personal & natural breath.” Nothing truer has ever been said. … Continue reading
In 1967, Nancy Haiduck came from Ohio to New York City and moved in next door to the Judson Church in the West Village. “I was really young, brand new. Green, green, green.” She enrolled in Brooklyn College, which was … Continue reading