Here is Bill reading his poem “Fiction” from his book He Dreams Of Waters.
If fiction is necessary what am I
doing in this torn dress at this very bus
stop he signs in a kind of language used
by polite intruders who enter ever ever so quietly
so what’s a Pip? The bus is named
Emma Bovary she smiles & gently moves over
one seat to let you sit down as we all must glance
just once, before it ends, the moonlight, the sultry breezes
& all the fleshly elements of from the heavens
of nights spent deep within the unimaginable crevices of
a run on tents of sentences, is everyone terribly not happy
as we both roll over & meet somewhere bumpy in the dark
that is life itself. I was born here, poor & distraught
of a deadly combination: a pen, blank paper, & a thought.
Don — how great to see the video of Bill. Such a soulful guy, n’est-ce pas? Will the interview you’re working on be in video format, or print?
Your sonnets look great on the site, too. They read smoothly, but also have interesting disjunctions which make them very contempo.
I’m very impressed by your energy and dedication in doing this web site, documenting Mr. Kushner, continuing your writing, etc. etc. etc.!
Hope all is well,
Peter, thanks so much for your kind words. I’m assuming you saw the link on FB that I put there on Thursday. I’m never sure if people actually see the FB links so you’ve made me feel a little better about that.
Well, ignore my previous question about the format of the interview! It shows that I don’t focus too hard on my Facebook page! I have a resistance to Facebook and cellphones, although I’m involved with both. Guess I’m wary of the privacy factor with FB.
I just read some of the interview — and the accompanying photos are great. Mr. Kushner in 1947 was a “dish,” right?