On a late day in June I took a train to Maplewood, New Jersey, a lovely little town where Michael Lally lives not too far from the tracks, a simple walk to his home. I wanted to record him reading “Sports Heroes, Cops and Lace” because this poem about Jackie Robinson, his father and his family had moved me the first time I heard him read it at an art gallery in the East Village. That cold wintry evening was the best of course; Michael even cried. While recording in Jersey, there was some construction outside and Michael’s son and his friends came in and out, but the reading is itself. The poem comes from a book called CANT BE WRONG published by Coffee House Press (1996). And, trust me, you can’t go wrong reading it; I’ll even bet you won’t put it down.
CANT BE WRONG is published by Coffee House Press, which is where good books are always brewing. You can check them out here:
The book:
The press: