I was upstate over Labor Day visiting Philip Good and Bernadette Mayer at their beautiful home. It’s been freshly painted red and continues to await guests along a quiet meandering road on the edge of some woods, Bernadette’s Poetry Forest, that we walked through to get to a cold stream slippery with stones where Phil and I persisted over our heads to swim.
After the long trip, the stream was as refreshing as Phil’s coffee is when you wake up the following morning. Phil usually gets up before dawn to drink a few cups and jot down his thoughts. These coffee thoughts, so far, have turned into three chapbooks.
I’ve always been fond of Phil’s first chapbook, Drunken Bee Poems, and I enjoyed every immediate sip of these. When I asked Phil if I could film him reading, he agreed. The first chapbook is Coffee Poems. You can hear cicadas and a rooster crowing as he reads it. Good Morning.
