Neddi Heller at Gallery Gaia

I’ve been a fan of Neddi Heller’s work since I first met her thirty some years ago, and you can enjoy her paintings here on the blog long after the exhibit closes, but there is nothing like seeing her work up close, so I encourage one and all to take the F train and get off at the York stop in Brooklyn; it’s a very short walk to Gallery Gaia .

Paintings and drawings by Neddi Heller.

Gallery Gaia
79 Hudson Ave. between Front and Water streets

When: Saturdays and Sundays, 1–6 pm until Sunday, Aug. 4

How much: Free

The Play By The Sea, 2018


Orchestration of Apollo, 2018


Pathways to the Ocean, 2018


Dragon’s Breath, 2017


Before The Calm, 2017


Hermit Dreaming 2019


Night Watchmen 2017


Entering the Wave 2018


Sunrise Along The River, 2017


Parade Along the Narrows, 2017


All Aboard, 2019


Revellers (detail) 2019


The Lookout and the Blind, 2017


Sunday Walk, 2019


                                                      Saturnalia, 2018



  1. Neddi Heller

    Bravo Don. Molte Grazie!

  2. Jim Kemp

    A gorgeous collection. Neddi makes her paint sing!

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