During October, I got to see Bina Sharif’s “Life Is a One Act Play” twice. The first time was at Green Oasis Garden on East 8th Street in the East Village on a late Sunday afternoon. With the stage outdoors, the street and the passersby play their part, the stage is the world at large. Indoors, no matter how large the place might be, the play is more focused and intimate. I have to say that the play does fine indoors and out.
The title “Life Is a One Act Play” winks slyly at us because the play is in two parts. A couple, perhaps they are roommates or partners or married, are stuck together in lockdown during the 2020 pandemic. Like the folks in Boccaccio’s Decameron avoiding the Plague, they invent stories to pass the time, little plays. We come on such a play as the play begins, and then in scripted real life a man and a woman argue and philosophize about these terrible times.
Bina Sharif’s husband, Kevin Mitchell Martin performed with her, and also directed. They were going to do it at Theater for the New City, but because of some snafu, even though they are Equity Actors, they were denied the venue.
Artists and writers came out in support. In the audience at Green Oasis, I saw Sarah Schulman, Conor Weiss, and Eva Heinemann, the theater critic. At Pangea, there was Charles Busch and Penny Arcade. Pangea is going to add another show on November 23. Come. Bina Sharif and Kevin Mitchell Martin are a pleasure to watch.
In the Vimeo below is “Life Is a One Act Play” as it was performed at Pangea on October 23. Enjoy.
The Program handed out at Pangea
At Green Oasis, October 3

Of the October 3 performance in Oasis Garden, Sarah Schulman wrote: Bina Sharif – who for decades was the only woman Muslim playwright on New York’s stages- here performing with her husband Kevin Martin in a community garden because (after forty years each of paying Equity dues) they were denied a showcase contract and had to vacate Theater for a New City. The first piece “The Situation” was so so relatable. About a woman who tells the truth to a powerful man and has to pay the price. Thank you Bina and Kevin for defying the bureaucrats and bringing your art to your people.

At Pangea, October 24
Of the October 24 performance at Pangea, Chris Raef wrote: At Pangea this evening, Bina Sharif’s Life Is A One Act Play. Bina is one of our most brilliant playwrights & resplendent actresses. She & the formidably gifted Kevin Mitchell Martin are a transcendent acting duo; they’re like a great band w/ perfect chemistry. Fantastic to see them & the scintillating folks who attended; a splendid time was had by all. They’re doing it again Nov 23, don’t miss it!

“Life Is a One Act Play” will be performed again at Pangea on November 23. You can make a reservation at Pangea’s link below.