If you have been deciding whether your next read is going to be a novel or a poem, I have the perfect solution for you. Pick up Susana H. Case’s new book, The Damage Done, and the problem’s solved. The Damage Done is a novelistic poem about the FBI’s malfeasance in the late sixties and early seventies using COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) activities. There is a cast of characters too, a dead model, a corrupt FBI agent, and a NYC detective beginning to doubt the cynical ways he goes about solving a case. Sometimes Evil thinks it’s Good. When that happens, what is Good going to do? In this metamorphic territory, set at a turbulent time, The Damage Done is a page turner. In the Vimeo below the poet reads poems from the book giving the listener a good idea of the intriguing poems to come. Enjoy.
Three poems from The Damage Done.
The Damage Done is published by Broadstone Books. You can check it out here:
You can find out more about Susana H. Case here: