Although Maged Zaher was in Cairo and I was in New York, when he read via Zoom from his new book, The shadow that doesn’t leave the shirt, I felt that I could reach out and touch him. He is direct, philosophical and intimate, and tells me what he thinks so earnestly that I have thoughts myself and sometimes even visions. I enjoy reading Maged Zaher like I enjoy reading Emily Dickinson. Some of the poems are short and some are long, but no longer than a page at most, and every word is close because the poet has summonsed himself to be honest about his trials, and errors, and delights as well, an easy read in the best sense of those words full of epiphanies and gossip.
Maged Zaher reads in the Vimeo below. Enjoy.
Here are three poems picked rather randomly from the middle of The shadow that doesn’t leave the shirt that I do think give an idea of the whole.
The shadow that doesn’t leave the shirt is published by SplitLevel Texts. You can check it out here:
To read more Maged Zaher, look here:
Maged Zaher