Facebook is its own MFA program. When I wanted to be a poet back in the late 1960s, artists and writers gravitated to hip cities like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia, to name just a few, but now with the Internet, poets and writers can be everywhere and anywhere, and they are and they do join in.
On Facebook, a few years ago, I became friends with john compton, who was Jo Jo back then, and over the years as we corresponded and commented on life’s events, his work and presence became clearer as he participated through thick and thin, so, when I heard john had a new book coming out, I asked if I could include him here on my blog, and I am happy to say he said yes.
In the Vimeo below, john reads two poems from the castration of a minor god, which will leave you wanting more. Enjoy.
The blurbs that follow will be on the back cover of the castration of a minor god, which is being published by Ghost City Press as we speak. You can check the book and the press out here:
The first three poems in the castration of a minor god follow, and if you like them, by all means, buy the book and continue.