Horace, Odes, 1.11

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… The phrase “Carpe diem” comes from Horace, Book I, poem 11. I found a humble translation that I did years ago in a totally forgotten archive, and liked it well enough to post it on my Facebook page:   … Continue reading

Wuhan Poets 2010

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Time contains memories that are a pleasure to remember, memories that also bring pleasure to others. From 2006 to 2010, I taught English during the summer at Wuhan University in Wuhan, China. In the evening for an extracurricular activity, I … Continue reading

Catullus, poems 11 through 17

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  XI Furi et Aureli, comites Catulli, sive in extremos penetrabit Indos, litus ut longe resonante Eoa ……….tunditur unda, sive in Hyrcanos Arabasve molles, seu Sacas sagittiferosve Parthos, sive quae septemgeminus colorat ……….aequora Nilus, sive trans altas gradietur Alpes Caesaris … Continue reading

Scottish Sonnets

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These sonnets were written during a trip I took from the Yorkshire Dales to Edinburgh with my friend Pat Maples in June of 2009. These sonnets are for Pat Maples. Enjoy.   181 As the Labradors black as night splash … Continue reading

Honest Injun

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… I recently discovered this in the blog archives—I felt uncomfortable publishing it almost a decade ago, but I am publishing it now.   May 9, 2016 I am writing to a poet friend. I wanted her to know that … Continue reading

My Girl, My Girl

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… The song I sing in the video is from Leadbelly. He called it “Black Girl.” I’ve changed some of the lyrics and added the end from another song, “Prettiest Train,” which Odetta sang on her Carnegie Hall record album. … Continue reading